About Us

The Ipswich Arras Association was formed in 2000 following the Accord signed between the two towns in 1993.

From those early days, we have increased our annual programme and now offer a wide variety of events.

Events and Experiences

A Summer Garden Party

A Boules Tournament

A Pub Quiz

Exchange Visits

An Annual Dinner

A Quarterly Newsletter

And in addition to these, we seek to provide guided tours and visits to local attractions, themed social evenings, and guest speakers.

For forthcoming events please see current Newsletter 


In 2021, with the forming of an Education Sub-Committee, we developed our support for French teaching and teachers in the local authority.

We now have three educational establishments in Ipswich linked with three in Arras covering the age range from 9 -10, 12-13, and 16-18.

If you’d like to know a little more about Arras follow this link or go straight to the 'Membership' page.